A Thought is Just a Thought!
The spiritual path only truly begins when we no longer identify with our thoughts. That is not to say that thought stops (though it might for brief periods). It means that we no longer mistake who we are with our thinking and conditioned self. We recognise that a thought is essentially created by the survival …. Read More
Observing your Mind
The essence of the spiritual path is to awaken to our true Self. This has nothing to do with the habitual ego with which we normally identify with. The term waking up is very apt because the illusory nature of the ego self is so very obvious once you start to look – but most …. Read More
Witness Consciousness
This constitutes a major breakthrough spiritually. But it is often confused with a mindfulness. There is a major difference. With Witness Consciousness, we discover a different sense of identity – namely, the I AM. This sets us free. With mindfulness practices we non judgmentally observe thoughts and feelings, but our identity remains confused – we …. Read More
Spiritual Bypassing
Avoidance is the most common psychological defense mechanism that people use to deal with discomfort. This may involve distractions such as TV, Gaming, Exercise, simply never stopping, or addictions including sex, work and substance abuse. But a much subtler approach is Spiritual Bypassing. This is a clever ego trip and may involve using meditation or …. Read More
Are you Controlled by your Thoughts?
If you take the time to notice, you will find that you pretty well have non stop thoughts going on in your head. A small number of them are useful; the vast majority are repetitive and some of them make you feel bad, limit you or seriously distort your experience. When you really look at …. Read More
Soul Re-Connection
The Soul has many meanings for different people. But in general, we consider it to be our spiritual nature and our interface to the Great Divine. If we are “plugged in”, we experience natural states of happiness and life seems to flow with ongoing divine inspiration. Being “soul” connected is our natural state …. Read More
Waking Up
Waking Up Ultimately, all spirituality leads to one thing: Waking Up and discovering truth. For some people, waking up is spontaneous but for most it is a gradual happening. Waking up is a metaphor for “Returning to Our Selves and Seeing Clearly ”. Our minds are entrapped in a sleep like ignorance of our true …. Read More
Just Being
Have you ever had the experience of suddenly feeling peaceful and wonderful? It suddenly arrives and just as suddenly disappears again. Most people can relate to this on some level. What has happened is that you have touched upon “Being”. Being is our natural state of wellbeing that is always present when we relax and …. Read More
Where do we find “truth”
Where do we find spiritual truth? In a church, from a Guru, in India? Of course not: The sages of the ages have all pointed us to the “silence of the mind”. So many try to stop their thinking through meditation or fasting. Yet it is hard work and doesn’t last for long. The reason …. Read More