All spiritual practices and seeking ultimately attempt to return to our true selves – our spiritual homes. Some go along way round and others are more direct. Everyone must find the right path for themselves.
But when you arrive, it is clear! And paradoxically, you discover that the entire journey on one level, was never necessary. You never left your being – home. And yet the journey was still necessary.
All spiritual practices and seeking ultimately attempt to return to our true selves – our spiritual homes. Some go along way round and others are more direct. Everyone must find the right path for themselves.
Being – also called Presence, Spirit, God, Awareness – already is. You are THAT. We overlook our being because we are so familiar with it – it does not occur to us that it IS everything we seek.
Instead, we live in a thought based reality – alienated from our true selves, and consequently we spend our lives searching for something to make us feel whole and at peace – never to find it, until we have matured to the point that we can see – “ We already are that which we seek!”
We rarely discover this through books or even YouTube videos .
In most cases, truth must be pointed out by someone who is already living in that truth. A so-called Living Transmission.